Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Sacred Sex

 It seems that in today's American society, sex is easy while true intimacy is hard. Two consenting adults can come together and when their bodies meet, they can embrace the spectrum of sex anywhere from terrible to exceeding expectations. Bodies coming together is easy. It seems many have gotten swept away with the reality TV mentality and have perhaps forgotten what it means to connect. 

I long for eye contact that draws you in to the world of the beholder. I long for long conversations that embrace every topic under the Sun. Give me walks holding hands with no stipulation to keep it on the "down low" because the other party has some reason no one needs to know. 

Sex approached correctly should include principles such as Kundalini and Tantra and is about so much more than the orgasm at the end. Sex approached correctly is sacred. It is about connecting mind, body, soul, spirit, and intentions. Sex approached correctly will change your life. Your spiritual channels will open up and your chakras will align. 

Chemistry between people includes many things. Quantum attraction, genetic compatibility, magnetic lust, mental stimulation, and for some destiny. Sex should never include feelings of coercion, obligation, discomfort, or manipulation. 

Sacred connection for me begins with loving and trusting Self. Sacred connection for me begins with connecting to the Source, and allowing life to flow freely through you. Pansexual for many of us embraces the idea of being intimate with every facet of your existence. I feel the light and love of the Divine flowing freely through me almost all the time. The times when I do not, is because of my undulating nature and my need for spiritual growth and personal evolution. 

Sex is sacred when both parties approach it sacredly. Sex is sacred when your Qi is freely flowing through you and you are in touch with your Divinity. Sex is sacred when it lifts you up, takes you higher, and the climax I am referring to is spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional. Sex should never leave you feeling dirty or ashamed. 

As a child I was offered the belief that my body is a temple that houses my soul. This lifetime has taken me on an upward spiraling journey through many loves and many stories. I am grateful for every person who has offered me reflection of my ever-growing perception of truth. 

We are sacred beings housing ancient souls. We are composed of stardust, and traveling in the direction of reunification. We are both wise and learning. We are both free and chained to this earthly form. May we all agree to our highest resolution. May we all agree to set a goal for our exponential potential. As we set intentions for sacred connections and walk through our journey expecting greatness, the world will change shape around us. 

How can we expect world peace when there is not peace in our own chest? How can we expect peace when we do not practice peace in our own homes? Change begins in the center of each of us. We set intentions for the world we want to see. I am setting intentions for sacred connections. I am setting intentions for the right place at the right time. I am setting intentions for aligning to my highest resolution. I am setting my intentions for representing the change I wish to see in the world. May this be my legacy.



Friday, November 4, 2022


If we must remember

Things we should forget

Touching past regression

Life with no regrets

Sorrow spins in circles

We hone in on our fears

Tears recall the broken

Darkness in our years

We're hollow sacred beings

Housing ancient souls

We work toward tomorrow

Within our present goals

Shades and shadows shifting

We whisper holy whims

Marching toward forever

Chanting holy hymns

We stand up and dance louder

Than ever have before

We're marching on to Zion

Within this Holy War

I found him hanging heavy

Wings no longer there

We're whispering tomorrow 

To a world no longer cares

We're arguing with Heaven

For things we just don't need

The Beast has promised blessings

To keep us from being free

We're dancing on our tombstone

Alone and dangerous

Watching for disaster

Chasing after bliss

Lips lacking moisture

Holes in leaves on trees

We've been dancing here in circles

Forgotten to be free

Shattered glass and fragments

Fractures in the night

Spite can lead us nowhere

In this eternal fight

We're singing Hallelujah

An anthem from the deep

We weep with salient satire

On feeble feet we creep

Window to the nightmare

We wonder where we are

Our dreams dissolve into thin air

We hear the holy call

We're haunted by our Angels

Demons deign desire

We scorch ourselves to purify

Raining holy fire

We wander here majestic

We wish upon a star

We act as though superior

Because of all we are

We are fallen stardust

Cast down from high above

We have one thing left to believe in

Unconditional Love 

Shades of Pain

 If I gave birth to my pain

What color would she be?

Our veins press blue 

Against our flesh

But we all bleed blue you see

Neither black nor white 

Are colors

Yet racism seems to need

Skin shades segregated

Defining culture, class and creed

If roses are red

And violets are blue

Why can't humans accept 

Their many sacred hues

Their many sacred truths

The ears of the Divine

Why must we in Black and White 

Attempt to define?

Full spectrum 

of the Rainbow

An artist color dream

To see color 

In full palette 

Without the need to scheme

Cryogenically frozen

Posed but never posing

Honoring lines 

I never would have chosen

What does it mean to be white and outspoken?

Limitations need to be broken

Black, brown and red

Have a right to be hoping

What does the color of skin

Have to do with devotion?

We are an ocean of thought

A cacophony of sound

The Divine rests somewhere 

Beyond the profound

White power is the undesirable factor

Oppression and greed

The chemical reactor

The power of the Sun

Can set out souls on fire

It is both simple and complex

Raise our vibration higher

The color of sound 

Is the correct frequency

We should find our knees 

And do it more frequently 

Think about the spaces

Our thoughts have been frequenting

This is the Age Aquarius 

And we're still behaving freakishly

Finding darkness in the details

Disease is in the entrails

Floating through the air waves

Just waiting for people to breathe

What is the color of Free?


 Blood against bone

I'm home alone

Breast bone pressed against chest

I'm under too much pressure

Listening to the drone

Of my voice again

I can't pretend

This shit has gotten any easier

I said the right thing

To the wrong people

At the right time


I said the wrong thing

To the right people

At the wrong time 


I said the right thing 

To the right people

At the wrong time



I said the right thing

To the right people

At the right time

But they just didn't want to listen

So God said


Ain't nobody got time

To wrestle with no Angel's today

We live in a generation

Of voicemail conversation

And text message penetration

And absolutely no regeneration

I said we live in a generation

Of voicemail conversations

Of text message penetration

And absolutely no regeneration

So where is the sensation?

For this video game nation?

This I got to have it now generation?

We waving goodbye 

To our future credetation

Are we listening in

To our television waves?

Do we believe our paper souls

By money will be saved?

What is the value 

Of our families love?

What is the reference

To this Heaven up above?

What if anything

Do we believe holds weight?

All this emptiness in our lives taking space

What kind of nutrition

Are we putting on our plates?

What kind of mirror

We wanna see on our face?

Do we believe we are valued

By the things that "they" say?

What kind of kicks of kicks we gonna rock today?

A wise man once told me 

Something profound

He said my poetry spits the same

In heels or slides

And since then I knew 

He was on my side

Funny thing is many people love to judge

Not by how hard your work

Or how good you love

By by how you look or 

What clothes you wear

How cute your face

Or perfect your hair

But if the eyes are truly the windows 

Of your soul

Shouldn't they be the judge 

Of what you know?


 None can take my light

For I am goddess born

My people called me Rain 

Because I brought the Storm

Cast upon me hatred

And all of your scorn

There isn't any box 

Can cause me to conform

I weather all your anger

And precipitate love

And maybe you can't see me 

Because I fell from above

I flew from the nest

When a push became shove

I took all of your lies

And purged them from my blood

I'm walking straight backward like Benjamin Button

Coming for Redemption

That should tell you somethin'

This Queen became warrior

I am out here huntin'

If you didn't want the smoke

Your mouth shouldn't have been runnin'

Honesty that policy that's best obeyed

Yet so many good people 

Out here gettin' played

Doin' Devil's work

And still collectin' pay

Go to Church on Sunday

Tithes from dishonest wage

Rollin' back in time

And I start gettin' younger

People stare at me

Eyes amazed with wonder

They begin to ask

What kind of spell you under?

They don't understand 

So I forgive their blunder

Walkin' on flames

And my feet grow tired

But my soul is charged 

And my mind rewired

I look to the Divine 

And become inspired

Time to walk away

From this funeral pyre

Time to rise and shine

And reclaim my throne

Time to shake the dust 

From my tired bones

Time to remember 

I am never alone

Time to play my music

Get back in my zone

Proximal Development

Exponential Me

All my puzzle pieces

Leading up to free

Marching on this journey

See what can be seen

Letting go of anyone

Who'd rather be obscene

What's the answer here?

What does it imply?

You never chose to listen

To the tears in my eyes

My heart is on my shoulder, yes

I wear no disguise

And when the day of Glory comes

You know I will rise

Everything changes in the 

Blink of an eye

So you best remain focused on the sky

The sin stained heart can never be denied

The scales of Ma'at

And that feather will fly

Wise words spoken 

Never listened to

So many people scoff 

At those who speak the truth

The Divine is present in all of you

That still small voice

Who senses what to do

But that Devil on your shoulder

Is just as real

And you're never gonna make it

Lest you armor your shield

Remember this life

Is just a battlefield

And the victor is determined

By the type of sword we wield

So keep on marching

Till the battle is done

If you sleep on your Soul

You'll never see the Sun

You've got what it takes

To see the victory won

A race can't be finished

If you choose not to run

Time wasted

Can never

Be returned


 I went down to hell for 3 long years

And not many of you cared about my tears

So don't stand there now like you been right here

2020 like the focus

It's a brand new year

Sad how a mask becomes comforting

Like the warmth of a struggle 

Or face sinking in

To the pillow case

Just before you sleep

Mask on my face

"I cannot breathe"

I can't breathe

Should have never been said

Never should have been 

Kneeling on George Floyd's neck

What does it take to earn respect

In a country so bold 

As to give neglect

In exchange of all 

The roads they paved

The blood, sweat and tears

And lives they gave

And still their souls sing sweet refrains

Oppression is not godly

Babylon shall pay

The trumpet is sounding

Walls falling down

Jericho is marching 

To Zion now

Watch the irony coming

It will be profound

Like a thief in the night

Listen for the sound

And all who stood silent

On knees shall fall

There is no salvation

If you ignore the call

Small moments remembered

They have felt them all

Forty acres is 

A long way to crawl

Forty times forty

Could never be enough

Systemic oppression

Life shouldn't be so rough

The one percent

Got all they need

This country system 

Based on greed

Distract us well

On power they feed

But when the bow breaks

Will we fall to our knees?


 Angel wings

Strings to heaven

Tendrils of music like feathers

Called blessings


Comes in the confession

Attention to detail

Comes in the confession

We believe

In sacred geometry

Trees fall leaves

And souls pay attention


Is as much human

As is the obsession

Jacob's Ladder ascends

In infinite upward direction


Angels fell in


We offer alms

Turn up our palms

And keep marching

Up the ladder

Glass ceilings shatter

Ether rains

Souls in stars

We're made of cosmic matter