Friday, May 25, 2012


I perpetuate forward motion
Propagate revolution
Healing contusions to my mental
Elemental to my peace
I release this beast from within me
Dark angel on my left nipple
Whittling up reasons why my treason
Would merely become an acceptable season
Something different to do
On a random Tuesday afternoon
I am the Moon in all Her fullness
Reciprocity by definition
I have this confession
I love you as I see you
And I see you for all the light you are
And none of the darkness you let consume you
Cuz I don't assume truth
To be anything other than a vibration I can feel
Real to reel I spit this video
Live my life like a high definition show
Oh! Say can you see?
How beautiful and free
It is when you allow your soul to find peace?
Pre-emptive strike
I am on my knees in the night
Hanging on to every word I ever heard
I take to language like a bird in flight
Ignite this flame with swiftness
I could even tell you what the half is
But I have learned to empathically conclude the things I need
Set my spirit free
I seek peace and pursue it
If I don't overstand it
You best believe I'm gonna chew it
Spit it out and reuse it
Till its the only thing I see
Cuz freedom ain't no black and white situation
Here we facin' spiritual castration
When we gonna resurrect our one world nation
The cosmos has us facing the dawning of a new age
So I turn the page and focus
Not on some plague of rising locust
Or some voodoo hocus pocus
Just society off track
Take it back a minute
Let me DJ stop and spin it.
I got another thought I'm about to share
Best prepare
Better be aware of
What the aligning of the planets have to make us aware of
We better remember to take care of
Our Mother while there's time
Rewind it
And listen!
This is our chance to glisten
Raise our soul vibration
It is our time to rise!


Days pass
In lavendar scents
Spent lying on the beach
Like a tourist
Or some travelling pigeon
She sips at me slowly
Until I am empty
Ready to be filled again
With new life
Echoes of waves
Once washed upon
Abalone shores of time


I am your mother's weeping eyelids
On the dry bones of the Nile
There you will find me
Against all said to be shiny
Its all about the timing
Revolution on the Rise
Open your eyes
See the solution
Our mother is ready
To remove the polution
Confusion has always been said
To be the work of a devil
Some, including me
May not believe in
But peep rather the energy
Behind the words being used
Has never been this close


Your kiss
Fogged up the glass
On the window of my soul
My control blew away
The first time your eyes said hello
I slow danced around a pole
That should have functioned
As a fire escape
This escapade has
Taken my breath away
We satiate in one another
This need to commit
To nothing that is ordinary
Nothing not truly lived
I give of myself
My journey so far
And your strength
Could emasculate
The weight of a car
This ton of pressure building
Now sits on my chest
And my breath syncopates
With your strokes
As we lift
Life to the fullness
Sky is the limit
Cuz I'm in this to win it
No matter what IT might be
Season for the saunter
I turn the key against the ponder
Because your kiss is
A delicious mystery


In between penetrating
He swims inside me


My head cocks
Gently to the right
My chest sticks out
If you don't approach me right
Some label me a gansta
Some see the broken child
Truth is
I'm just a goddess
On the rise
And you can surmise
Anything you like
But be prepared for a ride
When you look into my eyes
Cuz I'm Nile River flow
An ancient soul
And my temperment
Is within HER Control
I can be slow and easy
Like a gentle summer rain
Or I can come down torrential
Like a hurricane
You ascertain
What do you seek
From our connection
But best keep it upright
Cuz I have protection

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Rising Against Complacency

I was honored as I was invited to join an Open Table Panel discussion this evening at the Open Cafe. The discussion was focused on several pertinent questions: What has been the judicial injustices experienced by the African people?/What has been the traditional responses used by African people to resist those injustices?/What are the lessons of the Trayvon Martin case?/What are the lessons of the Marissa Williams sentence?/What are the lessons learned from experiences in the Tampa Bay area?/What are the broader solutions that should be embraced today?

I was the only Caucasian in the audience. Therefore, I represented a very unique view.

In the name of unity, freedom & power, this group came today with three panelists (Oran Walker, Rev. Charles S. McKenzie, JR. & Dr. Kurt B. Young).

As we all know there is much unrest surrounding the Trayvon Martin case. It is travesty, and a horrendous and monumental erection to how far we have yet to travel against racism.

There are two major factions forming among the African people. Those who would take more of a non-violent stance, active but non-militant, and those who would take an eye for an eye. It is easy to understand emotions from both sides. What is to be done?

As I took the mic, my admonition to us all, myself included was to rise from our slumber, shut off the television, take the five we were going to spend on wine and fund the Revolution. The system is broken and must be changed. Racial ignorance and judgement is rampant from both races. I shared a couple personal stories of the ignorance I see among Caucasians. It is very relevant to all I am about to become.

I realize now why this oracle has been so drawn into the African communities. I am an honorary god-body. I am ordained Holy Mother of the Warrior Klan Nation. I hold much vibration among these communities. I am sickened by all that is happening around us.

Many African Americans believe that the Dream is dead. Martin Luther was one man. Dr. King made huge waves of difference. I will follow his lead and rise in his wake, and ask for guidance from all that is watching over me. There are many Caucasians who simply do not see. I tire of hearing "They were never slaves, and I never owned a slave." Sure. But, what about the ramifications of years of what the African people have had and continue to suffer? What about the waves of pain that funded the birth of some of the greatest music ever made?

LiFe Malcolm invited me to join this discussion tonight. He is a man committed to creating change. He hits the streets to reach our youth, he is a mentor, and a role model. He is my doorway to my activism here in the Tampa area. I am ready for all of this.

With every dollar we spend on fries or soda, with every hour of television we idly sit in front of, with every word we waste on complaining or gossiping, there are children dying, drugs being sold, lawmakers getting away with injustice, and much more daily vibrations of atrocities on our own city streets.

Rochester is a very active city, and I commend all we do on a daily basis. To all of you involved in working with our youth, to all of you creating and upholding knowledge forums, I commend you. Much more has got to come about if we are going to see the great change we are capable of in this sacred decade.

The time is now! Get off the couch. Put down the soda pop. Fast, meditate, pray. Strength is ours to be had.

Dr. King, Malcolm X, Ghandi, Mother Theresa, and many more have gone before us to show that one person can indeed make a difference. I will affect change. I will rise to the occasion. I will offer myself up a holy vessel. I implore us all to rise and do the same.

We are running out of time.
We are running out of excuses.
We are capable of all we are in search of.
Organize, exemplify, amplify,
Or watch the coming war as it is waged right before our eyes.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


I think, therefore I am: Love.
Eternal love
Without the need for return Love
Love from the pit of my belly
Love from the center of my heart chakra a string pulls me to love you even if
All my thoughts do not understand the cosmic purpose of me in your life
Or you in mine
I love you yes
With the hope but not the need of reciprocation
I love you because I cannot help loving you
I love you because I must
I love you because if I do not I may combust
I love you because there is a draw so strong I cannot look away from you
I love you because all beings deserve to be heard, understood, loved
I love you because I see pieces of you in my reflection
I love you because my passion dictates that I do so
I love you for the your unique artistic beauty of your individual being
Your cosmic representation of the ONE
I love you because we are made of stars
I love you because my love will open up channels you never knew you had
I love you because I have to
I love you because you are beautiful

Friday, May 18, 2012

Racism 2012

As we move through 2012, we have been exposed to many different versions of what may come to pass. It is the end of the world as we know it, it is the beginning of a new utopian existence, we may see comets, we may experience rapture, we may live through earthquakes or die by fire. The truth is there are many predictions that reverberate within our souls, there are those of us who have had visions since childhood. Yet, the fact remains that we do not know what is to come. I feel that many who believe that this year will end time have relinquished themselves to eat, drink & be merry. For some, it has become a copout, an excuse to live it up until we die. I think there are many issues that are being actively avoided due to the unsettling nature of the predictions regarding this year. What happens on January 1st, 2013? All the issues we are ignoring will remain. One in particular that troubles me is racism.

I was moved strongly by Spirit to stop at a certain convenient store as I was travelling to the gym. I listened and was horrified as I walked in to overhear two older men discussing what a certain "colored" woman had said. My blood boiled quickly and as I was walking out of the store I rebuked them saying, "What are we still stuck in 1952? I wonder, what color are you?"

My father says I was out of line because the men were older and in their youth "colored" was an acceptable term for African American. As I saw the man drive away in his brand new Cadillac, I wondered.

Recently at Club Atlanta, among a group of amazing lyricists and poets, Huggy Bear was featuring and stated that the Dream is dead. So many African Americans feel like we have made it no where. So many White Americans feel that minorities are getting more than there fair share to make up for past wrongs that people alive had nothing to do with.

As a loyal follower of Dr. Martin Luther King, and a woman with many Black friends, I am distraught by the continuing racial unrest. My own mother was shocked when she found out that I had begun frequenting a Black club and that I was introduced to the stage as a sistah. She said Blacks down here are not the same as they are up North and she thought after what had happened with the Martin young man that they would look at me with hatred and not want me among them.

I say none of this to dishonor anyone, espeically not my mother. However, we are still in very big trouble. Many groups of highly intelligent and socially active African Americans remain Afro-centric. Many White Americans still have all the wrong ideas about Black Heritage.

All stories are relevant to the perception of those telling them, the perception of those listening to them: I was not a rich child. I understand what it is to struggle. I still know the feeling of finally replacing that old worn out pair of shoes. I own one pair of Nike's. I own one solid pair of work shoes. I am grateful for all that I have. I think many people do not see struggle because they have not known struggle.

Whatever our individual story is, we should be able to cross lines of perception and use our natural human empathy to overstand another's point of view. From some sides of the story, the only answer will be a race war. I have heard it reverberate deeply more than once. For a woman who is loved and revered by many races, many cultures & many religions, this disturbs me deeply.

What is to be done? We need cultural Revolution. Where to begin? I think a good first step would be a round table of speaking and listening. A forum of some sort. The system is broken. We all know that. What is to be done is the relevant question. What are we capable of doing that will dissolve racism once and for all?

The Dream is alive. We are capable of finding the Promised Land. Spiritual unity can be reality. When are we going to know ourselves so intimately that we can affectively hear the heart beat of another soul? Where is the next step? How many are willing to take it?

I am a bridge. A peace maker. A revolutionary. A poetess. I am a woman on a mission. Won't you give peace a chance?

One light in the darkness can be seen. We are many voices. WE are ONE. A rainbow could not be so beautiful with only one strand of color. Even some of the most intelligent and fluent minds are racist. It is time to watch the Dream be born again. It is our time to rise.

Support those loved ones behind bars...

As a woman who strives for honesty and spiritual excellence, for open communication and every day evolution, I am not beyond admitting that I have done things that could have gotten me into significant trouble. I didn't get caught, but hey, if a tree fell in the forest...well, you get the point...

I have many friends, and some family who have been in trouble with the law. I have seen great men move past their history and become icons among our society. I have seen some get away with things they most definitely should have been locked up for.

I have a couple really good friends behind bars right now. For all those of you in the same boat, I urge you not to judge, not to shun...but to love. For no matter whether they are guilty or innocent, they are imprisoned, which I don't think is easy for anyone.

Please do not forget about those we love behind bars! A simple letter, a visit, a gift made can work miracles. All happens for a purpose, season and a plan. All good people do really dumb things sometimes. And sometimes, the law says we did things we simply did not. Whatever  the case may be show our loved ones who are locked up some love! I implore you!!!

~~*~~ Lady RAin

Friday, May 11, 2012

i want this love...

I want love
Divine love
Breathing, augmenting, fluid
I want etheral love
no one above or below you love
i want fall on my knees on a sunday morning love
i want water into wine love
i want take my breath away, I will go to the store for you
lie beside you in a hospital bed
drive across the world for you
raise your only child for you
raise the bar and hold it high for you
live, eat, sleep and dream in red for you
dive off the deck and learn to swim for you
i want complete honesty with intention to rise love
i want every day evolving love
i want old fashioned i have your back love
i want last a lifetime love
i want first time babies for both of us love
i want raise a family together
teach them to walk and teach them to read love
i want glow in the dark love
rise and shine above love
phoenix from the ashe
i want this love