Thursday, July 3, 2014


Samples selected
Outrageous proportions
Distortion released
Re-frame the solution
Confusion breached
We strive for an answer
Some chemical sound
Healing remembered
New strength is found


Clock starts
Time rolling
Waters speed up and travel farther away
I struggle to understand
Listening to the winds
Dancing backward and forward
Unique danger waging wars
Fire forms
Stars born
Delicate pendulum remembers
Hearts water worn


Whispers of soft grasses
Educated masses
Making eye contact
As bodies passing
New wishes being made
As over-sized dandelions
Grow in spades
Fear fades
Along creek water race
I pace myself to match the need
The speed of a brand new wave
Colorado is the time
Now is the place
I waste not
The want for peace
Breathing deep
Stretch to reach
Be here now
Instruments checked for sound
Moved the entire crowd
Blue lights begin to fade
As the stage begins to sleep