Wednesday, August 5, 2020

B.L.A.C.K. (a voice in solidarity with Africans in America)

Building leadership
And community knowledge
Goes far beyond
What they teach you
In College
Let's talk about
Where Rosa Parks sat
And what would have 
Stayed the same
Had she stayed 
In the back
Let's remember Ma Tubman
And every mile
She risked her life
To carry her people
To the other side
Let's talk about 
The current state
Of systemic degradation
Keeping the oppressed
From being part of this nation
Let's talk about the fact
That America
Was build by Blacks
On the backs and graves 
Of slaves
The way for white America 
Was paved
And they still refuse to say
Black Lives Matter!
Say it with me
Black Lives Matter
We could say Dr. King
And Malcolm X
Howard Thurman
Marcus Garvey
All deserve our respect
People who committed 
To their very last breath
To set their people free 
Say it loud with me
Power to the people
It is time to erect
A brand new steeple
We built this country
Yet they keep running
Our bodies to the ground
Profound don't you think
As we are on the brink
Of amber waves of change
I think it's kind of strange
They even open their mouths
 To say
Liberty and justice for all
But the call for freedom
Fell on selfish ears
They called us three-fifths 
Of a person
To ease their fears
And we have taken it
For too many years
It is time 
For Babylon to pay
And Black people
Pave the way
We are proud to say
Black is beautiful
Black will be free
Black is the way to be
We build our community
Against all the odds
And keep singing our songs
And fighting for the cause
We have persevered
Through all these years
So many tears
Yet strong we still remain
There is power in our name
Building leadership
And community knowledge
Is something
Most Professors
Don't teach in college
That is why we constantly
Stay on our knowledge
And keep fighting to be free
Say it with me
Black Lives Matter!

Speak Easy (for Ron)

Speak-easy door is not open
Because it's broken
And this venous anomaly 
In my brain has me
Feelin the same
Three broken birds 
On the sidewalk
No police came 
To line them in chalk
But their death
 Seemed significant
Had me feelin maleficent
Old Black Man on the East Side
Different from the West 
Still he's not white
Police came to talk
With him tonight
Center for Youth not enough
Sure bet for the betterment
Standing on the street
Ain't a testament
Seventeen years and the letters rest
But the government said
They never passed the test
She got his phone restin 
In her pocket now
Alarm says get up 
But he don't know how
She loved him long
And he stood their proud
But he can't hear her now
No matter how loud she shout
Three baby birds on the sidewalk
Bullets fly and the dead talk
We got wings and they lined in chalk
Women cry and the men just scoff
Speak-easy door listen to everything
Toddlers screech and the angels sing
Americans think they need three of everything
Why don't we pay attention 
To the important things?
Speak-easy door never opened
Magic words were never even spoken
Hearts hurt can't be broken
That's why wise words say
Dance like no one is watching
Sing like no one is around
Love like your heart
Has never been broken
What was never lost
Does not need to be found
Three broken birds
On the sidewalk
Busy lives don't even see
But our world 
Is the same as their world
What you do affects him
Affects her 
Affects me
Speak easy door must be broken
'Cause nobody lined up to speak
Nobody feels any passion?
Nobody feels any heat?
Speak easy door
Must be glued shut
Because I can't even see a line
I guess the people 
Living in this country
Must feel America
Is doing just fine
Three broken birds on the sidewalk
Didn't even get to know the meaning
Of being alive before 
Falling to their death
Speak easy door sliding open
I guess someone
Remembered what to say
Sometimes it's only one world
That can save somebody's day

Tuesday, July 28, 2020



Where is the answer in all of this?
White Amerikkka choking
On stolen bliss
Black America fighting
Just to be free
White Americans
Take time to refuse to see
Liberty and Justice
Never been for all
We were created equal
Then came the fall
Colonialism needed
Power to thrive
Stole the peace of living
From every Black life
Winding up for something
What will come next?
How many peaceful protests
Got no respect?
White man resting
On a Black Man’s neck
What type of values
Does this system protect?
Rising up the anger
Rising up the lies
White man’s knowledge
Has never been right
Sifting through the facts
Makes it hard to decide
What pathway to peace
Can we embark on tonight?
Strategic miseducation
Of an entire population
Distracting a nation
They got them chasin’ sensation
So, they miss all the truth
Right in front of their faces
Sit in their comfiest chairs
And yet they feelin’ complacent
They only see the anger
Not the lives that were taken
They witness the system
And would never trade places
Whispering hatred
Inside of their bones
They don’t know how to leave
Racism alone
They act like they’re better
Because they aren’t out in the streets
But they’re missin’ the point
Try escapin’ the heat
Judgment is coming
It cannot be escaped
Babylon is America
And the whore must pay
Playing with fire
And you’re bound to get burned
Read in between the pages
And you’re bound to learn
The victor tells the story
It rarely ever is fact
So, take American history
And rewind it back
Black history began
Long before the slaves
And Amerikkka should begin
With every unmarked grave
Every soul they took without permission
Every family torn apart
With no remission
Forty acres and a mule
Could never bring forgiveness
Let’s all begin
By supporting black-owned business
May every conscious soul
Stop feedin’ the system
May we all take time to truly stop and listen
To the anger, the pain
The injustice, the wisdom
May we fight the injustice
Release them from this prison
We are one human race
All deserve to be free
May the pathway to peace
Begin with me

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Hey folks, it's been a while. School and work and life and most importantly the birth of my first child have kept me from you. Corona came and we can't wait for it to go away. I hope this finds you all well. A fourth album is in progress however it may be a little longer than expected considering the current state of this global pandemic. Speaking of which, I really would like to share with you this recent piece I wrote... Hope you enjoy.

Corona Virus

Faces down
Social distancing
Keep everyone
Six feet away

"They" say
We're in this together
But the same "they"
Made the storms we weather
And they have never
Been with us before

So why would now
Be any different
Why would we now
Trust the government
Stores are closed
No money's being made
Best believe
Somebody's getting paid

What is this war they wage
On a people wearing masks?
Time to look up
With more than our eyes
Time to stay woke
Time to realize
The answer may fall
Like a bomb
From the skies
Using the phrases
As we "drop like flies"

Wise words spoken
Never listened to
As prophets lost placement
'Though they spoke the truth
"Conspiracy Theories"
Never spoke to you
Now sound like Revolution
What is this war They're waging?

People wearing masks
Six feet away and waiting
Got an entire globe
Not just one single nation
Restless for breath
We grow impatient
While we stay inside
Straight pacing

Time to face the hour at hand
A thief in the night
Babylon's command
WE married our time
To the money we made
One percent hold the interest
On this war we wage

Common sense
Tells our spirits to rise
But we remain still
Our bodies are tired
Wired to behave
Or they'll lock us in jail
A people fall silent
Six feet apart
Six feet deep
Babies fuss and
Mothers weep
What does this all entail?

Riots grow restless
But they need to creep
Because they've
Cleared us from the streets
Time to listen
Time to rise
Time to realize
Words from the prophets
Never sounded so wise
Hit our eardrums
Like those bombs from the skies

What is this war they wage?

Things shift and fall away
Must chaos come
Before our brand new day?
Revelation rises
Will our souls be saved?
Who will lead the way?

Peace be still
As the waters rise
As a restless people
Face demise
Words of the prophets 
Never sounded so wise
Now is the hour
Now is the time

To face this war they waged