Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Sacred Sex

 It seems that in today's American society, sex is easy while true intimacy is hard. Two consenting adults can come together and when their bodies meet, they can embrace the spectrum of sex anywhere from terrible to exceeding expectations. Bodies coming together is easy. It seems many have gotten swept away with the reality TV mentality and have perhaps forgotten what it means to connect. 

I long for eye contact that draws you in to the world of the beholder. I long for long conversations that embrace every topic under the Sun. Give me walks holding hands with no stipulation to keep it on the "down low" because the other party has some reason no one needs to know. 

Sex approached correctly should include principles such as Kundalini and Tantra and is about so much more than the orgasm at the end. Sex approached correctly is sacred. It is about connecting mind, body, soul, spirit, and intentions. Sex approached correctly will change your life. Your spiritual channels will open up and your chakras will align. 

Chemistry between people includes many things. Quantum attraction, genetic compatibility, magnetic lust, mental stimulation, and for some destiny. Sex should never include feelings of coercion, obligation, discomfort, or manipulation. 

Sacred connection for me begins with loving and trusting Self. Sacred connection for me begins with connecting to the Source, and allowing life to flow freely through you. Pansexual for many of us embraces the idea of being intimate with every facet of your existence. I feel the light and love of the Divine flowing freely through me almost all the time. The times when I do not, is because of my undulating nature and my need for spiritual growth and personal evolution. 

Sex is sacred when both parties approach it sacredly. Sex is sacred when your Qi is freely flowing through you and you are in touch with your Divinity. Sex is sacred when it lifts you up, takes you higher, and the climax I am referring to is spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional. Sex should never leave you feeling dirty or ashamed. 

As a child I was offered the belief that my body is a temple that houses my soul. This lifetime has taken me on an upward spiraling journey through many loves and many stories. I am grateful for every person who has offered me reflection of my ever-growing perception of truth. 

We are sacred beings housing ancient souls. We are composed of stardust, and traveling in the direction of reunification. We are both wise and learning. We are both free and chained to this earthly form. May we all agree to our highest resolution. May we all agree to set a goal for our exponential potential. As we set intentions for sacred connections and walk through our journey expecting greatness, the world will change shape around us. 

How can we expect world peace when there is not peace in our own chest? How can we expect peace when we do not practice peace in our own homes? Change begins in the center of each of us. We set intentions for the world we want to see. I am setting intentions for sacred connections. I am setting intentions for the right place at the right time. I am setting intentions for aligning to my highest resolution. I am setting my intentions for representing the change I wish to see in the world. May this be my legacy.

