My life constantly amazes me! I already shared what a strange yet beautiful day yesterday was. The man I have been sleeping beside for three years called me this morning and I always love especially when he calls me first thing in the morning. Due to my late arrival to my bed in the wee hours of this morning I emailed Molly to let her know I would not be attending lab today. After my beautiful companion called me, I started coffee and emailed her to let her know what the heck, I was up, and I would find my way to the lab by ten. That intriguing chocolate man called me back again and I was overjoyed to hear his voice for a second time this morning. As you all know, I swore off sex and alcohol and became vegetarian in order to focus clearly and make the large decisions I need to make by graduation. I expected a lot of people to be surprised, confused, curious about my current status. I especially was unsure how he would take it. Last night, he called and wanted my company. I didn't go. Temptation number two. I can't say it was easy, but I do recognize it is only the beginning of February. Tommy King swears I won't make it! More fuel for my flame. A lady I recently met didn't mean to offend me I am sure when she laughed and asked, "how is not having sex gonna help you spiritually?" We all know how sensitive I can be, and it definitely inflicted shock waves through my psyche. I tried to explain the power of the chakras, the redirection of energy, and the focus I felt I needed. Furthermore, I haven't gone without sex since I became sexually active at seventeen. Beyond that, I have always allowed sex to magnetize me to places and behaviors I would not normally allow. Finally, I am graduating in December, leaving the South (sorry, Mom Yippppeeeeeeee) and going overseas to serve the Peace Corps. It is the time for me to be sovereign. In the beginning of my living alone, I cried a lot. Called Tommy. Kamahria. Kirstie. Misha. Paul (both of them). I was thinking this morning how far I really have come. It has only just begun.
Last night, as Tommy was laying on my living room carpet looking through videos of pressed fairies and talking to me in his passionate way, we began talking about December and how I would be leaving. My intention is to give to my family and friends what they want of my home and sell what is left. I will leave with only what is in my truck. I intend to drive slowly North stopping in Atlanta, Charleston, Charlotte, Raleigh, Burlington, on my way toward Rochester. I will stay and catch up with my godSun and his mother, my close friends and my city and then, I will head overseas to serve the Peace Corps before beginning my Doctoral Program in Depth Psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, California. I know December is still a good distance from now in some respects, yet in others it feels ever closer. I am excited!
I meet with my Director for the second time this afternoon as work on my thesis commences. I am so happy with my committee and with the new thought the onset of this work is stimulating.
This morning just after ten, I arrive to find the lab closed. At the same time, Dr. Wong (my professor for Global Conservation) had given up waiting for his class to arrive. It was supernatural timing. For those of you who don't know/remember, Dr. Wong taught a class that literally shattered all that my brain could hold, restructured my soul and sent me into the Summer an incredibly different woman. I could never repay him for the cataclysmic shock waves the knowledge he offered us in the manner he presented it really became. We had a chance to talk for the first time since his class. He asked me how my semester was going and I talked about my thesis and the video project. He completed his dissertation and officially became Doctor while teaching the class on Global Conservation. He is young and fresh, deep and spiritual, intelligent and eloquent, and he offered some advice on this next chapter of my life. The conversation was engaging and he offered his support on my thesis work and asked me to reach out and email him and include him in the narrative. I walked away full of spark.
I arrived upstairs once more to find the lab still locked. I checked my email to find Molly was ill and not coming in. She said she hoped I was not already on campus. I was amazed by the way all the interlocking pieces formed this perfect story line. I was going into my text to post on FaceBook "This synchronous existence!" only to find a text from Kamahria on synchronicity. Her moment was two friends telling her this world was her oyster within the same hour. I of course told her this named her Pearl.
I hope that all of you who read this post will keep your eyes open, listen to the wind, feel the vibration of the Earth beneath your feet, let the Sun warm your soul and realize that this life is a great mystery for those who allow it to be and it can surprise you and lift you up in the midst of the greatest turmoil.
I will never forget that moment after losing everything in Rochester and laying on my bed in Webster and asking why. Not a "fist raised to the sky in contempt" why, but a "please offer me guidance" why.
And look where that moment of clarity has led me. I believe I am exactly where I should be in this moment, and the most beautiful thing about that is realizing the journey ahead of me is going to be simply amazing.
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