The energy in our body shifts from positive to negative; from negative to neutral and so on. We experience a whole gamut of emotions that lead us across a wide spectrum of neurological responses. Our wellness depends on not only what we eat or how we exercise but also how we think. Have you ever thought about someone you missed only to receive a phone call from them seconds later? Have you ever wished something would take place only to find your daydream coming true? We have the power to manifest (positive or negative) events in our daily existence.
Last night I crawled into bed excited to get a good nights sleep. Out of a deep sleep an hour or two later, I rose to use the restroom, and saw that my phone was blinking indicating I had a message. The message was from my niece and as I was reading it I felt a brush against my foot in the dark. I kicked a little in reaction and put my foot back down on the ground. The second brush was clearly not the cable of my cell phone charger and this time I kicked violently smashing my foot against the bed frame. Ouch! I jumped up an flicked on the light knowing full well what I was about to find. Yep. You guessed it, a palmetto bug. Nasty large beasts in the family of cockroach that fly! Not in my bedroom. Lights on, I am grabbing the poison from the kitchen. I don't like killing things, but I refuse to sleep with that thing in my room.
The whole time I am thinking in my head how I jinxed myself by telling the story of the last palmetto in my kitchen (thankfully over a year ago now) that struggled after I sprayed him. He really refused to die for way too long to watch. I bawled hysterically, really moved by the fact that his life was so important to him and here I was taking it away. I thought that I had gained good karma for being so moved and that was why I had not seen another one in my home in so long. Boy was I stupid for telling that story!
So as I return to my bedroom to spray the intruder, I see him instantly and aim. I hit the edge of his tail and mostly my Japanese sandals that I practically live in. He takes off, under my bed. YAY! All lights on, chills everywhere, I am freaking out and I call my niece Kirstie so I can have some courage while I tear my room apart to find him. She is gracious and talks to me while I begin moving everything. Only trouble is, I don't find him. Kirstie flies over to me and she can't find him either. Great!
We are both hungry (I had fasted the day before) and I decide to take us out to breakfast. We eat, enjoying one another's company and catch up on our lives... When we got home we looked everywhere and still no sign of the critter. It took me a while to fall asleep and less than four hours later, Kirstie and I were up to the alarm getting ready to go about our day.
Eventually I return home, alone. It amazes me that suddenly everything in my house that is the right shade, shape or size is a palmetto. I am looking at every tiny detail of my home waiting for him to show his irreverent face. This is infuriating.
Several things occur to me. Perspective, is the first to find its way to the surface. When you are looking for something that is what you will find. All I could think about is that stupid beast and so I see him everywhere in the most ordinary objects in my home.
Secondly I realize that no amount of worry will make him appear or disappear. In the middle of the night when he brushed across my foot, I certainly was not thinking about seeing a palmetto, and after many hours of worrying that I will see him, he has yet to appear. If we allow worry to invade our senses, all the pleasure and insight we could be gaining evades us.
What am I really worried about anyway? He can't hurt me. It could be months before I even see one again, and as soon as I am done thinking about him, there he will be. So, what sense is it to waste so much energy worrying.
This applies to so many other situations. Waiting for that special someone to call, text, or come by. We often worry that they are mad at us, they are more interested in someone else...when all the time maybe they were just busy. The main point, I am trying to make (especially to myself) is that worrying only robs us of joy. I know all of you that are reading this already know this fact of life, however, I also know most of us still worry. I am making it a daily endeavor not to allow worry about what may or may not come to pass rob me of the beauty already in progress.
I hope you have enjoyed my silly roach story. I hope that you live your lives to the fullest each and every day.
I cannot help but think I manifest this cretin either. I truly believed that by telling the story of how I had cried over a palmettos death I had jinxed myself and sure enough there he was. We have so much power with our spiritual and electric energies.
Daily we become stronger. Daily we become wiser. Daily we learn how to be the best of ourselves.
Such responsibility lies in accepting this power that is growing ever stronger in every one. Within such a blessing lies the burden to exersize self dicipline and be conscious of what we manifest.