Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Scratching in the Wall

I half expected to wake up this morning to a family of possums snuggled up in my living room. The scratching began underneath the bathtub and has remained there for months. I told my landlord, and when he didn't seem concerned, I tried to take the same stance. Unfortunately, the creature that lives underneath my house and now inside the walls is not quiet! A couple native Floridians have told me that it is most likely fruit rats seeking warmth. I think it is a bigger animal,  but maybe this fruit rat just has really big claws and is really clumsy. Whatever it is, it is nocturnal and loves nothing more than to keep me awake. C'est La vie.

Yesterday, was a day riddled with obstacles. Monday afternoon I spent quality hours of my life completing my Experimental Design and Analysis (for IBM SPSS Statistics) final project. This class has certainly been my nemesis and has kept me frustrated all semester. I put a lot of effort into this project and was very satisfied with it as I sent it off to my professor via Turn-it-in. I went to Sawgrass Lake Park with Tommy and afterward to work, feeling light and free. Monday night I come home from work to find an email waiting from my Professor. He did not receive my word file, only my SPSS output file. !!!!!!!!

For the first time EVER! I had not saved my work or sent myself a copy. There was some kind of glitch with Turn-it-in and now I am shaking with panic. Ander, my friend who tutors in the Student Success Center where I had completed my work said not to worry, the file would be there in the morning. Unfortunately, Ander was wrong. The computers in the lab go in to deep freeze overnight and most files are erased to save space on public computers. Curtis (one of our Tech wizzes on campus) did all he could to thaw the deep freeze but was unable to recover my file. So I did it all over again. I don't think it was as spectacular as it was the first time, but it was the best I had...

Furthermore, my thesis documentary fought me as I tried to copy it from my hard drive. It first wanted to take six hours to render. It is One hour and ten minutes long! I bought two hour dvd's. Somehow it wasn't long enough. It got to the very end of the documentary (after almost two hours of rendering). I am talking the last thirty two seconds and told me the DVD wasn't large enough. AGGHHHHHH! So after redoing my Statistics final project I went to five stores trying to find the right DVD's. Finally I found them at Office Depot.

Then, Stacey calls and says the city (after we have received inspection and approval by the fire marshall) said that we cannot have anything outside in the parking lot the night of my show. We were wanting to put the food and vendor tents outside to make room for our guests inside the intimate venue.

That was my day yesterday. The good news is, I turned in my thesis (DVD's and all), Stacey and I are meeting today to put our creative heads together and find a way to make Saturday night smooth and beautiful, and I have one more final left to take.

I swear, someone should teach me how to do cartwheels so I can cartwheel my way across the stage at graduation!

Thank you all for the continued love and support.


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