Much like the four words for love in the Greek language, there are two words for time. Chronos which is time as we understand it. The clock ticks and we move to its beat. Kairos on the other hand is sacred time, that perfect moment. We all know what the feels like, the right moment, the right time. Supernatural rhythm that brings about something heavenly in our lives. Kairos also has a shadow self but we will not delve into that now.
My favorite class this semester is led by my favorite Professor at Colgate. Kairos! What a thought to have. In English there is only one word for love. Americans use the same word to describe their feelings about pizza, football, their car as they would their family, their friends, their intimate partner. If you LOVE pizza then do you LOVE your significant other? I mean, it kind of trivializes the idea of love in American thought, don't you think?
Chronos is that pulse, that tick, that beating of the clock that drives us throughout our daily lives. Can we use the same word for "it was the right time", "it was the perfect timing"? (or any other time-clock representation of time to mean anything other than Chronos)?
Kairos is our sacred moment. It is the catalyst that builds us up to the precipice that we jump off and learn that we can actually fly!
Never forget that we can actually fly!
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