First of all, it is three twenty six in the morning and I am up eating salad. I just woke to a very strange and beautiful experience. I am not even sure how well I am about to express this in words but I feel as though I must try.
I wish I could recapture the moment I awoke. Freeze frame the thought. It was readily apparent when I woke but now like a fragile whisp of smoke, it is gone. What I do remember is still exquisitely beautiful!
I know that I had an epiphany or revelation of high spiritual order. I opened my eyed to greet the flickering candlelight on my bedroom wall and felt so amazed by what I had just figured out. As I am staring at the flickering candlelight, every square inch of wall being graced by the light of the candle shimmered prismatic, and on my very soul, appeared as spectacular as all the recordings of aurora borealis i have ever seen.
The light display continued for quite some time and then returned to normal. As I am completely sober, this really blew my mind.
So I lay there for a while. It happened again. A fragment of thought I can still remember, but the depth of the message eludes me. I can feel the difference in my soul however, and wonder when the rest will return to surface realization. I am intrigued, and wish I could express the beauty of what has just happened in the sanctity of my bedroom.
I tossed and turned and tried to return to sleep, but could not. I felt led to write about it. I know so many of you read my posts, and so many beautiful souls cross my path daily. I am interested to see what the reverberation is.
Hotep all,
Lady RAin
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