I have come to realize that times have changed and when it comes to communication I am the oddball! It always saddens me that with the advent of the digital age, came this growing lack in communication skills. It seems it should have been the other way around. I will admit that I can be quite verbose (something I am certainly working on) but if you say you are going to do a thing, you should do it. If for some very good reason you cannot, you should connect with the people it involves and explain why you cannot.
Multiple times this week alone, people that I love very much have made plans with me and did not follow through. Now, I am grown and completely understand that things happen to impede the desired flow. I have no problem when plans get cancelled. What I truly do have a problem with is when someone makes plans with me, and I sit at home waiting for that phone call, that event to begin. I have a lot of friends in this city, and I do not prefer to sit still. If you cannot keep our plans, coolio, just let me know so I can do something else with my life.
There are obviously times when people fall asleep, their phone dies, car breaks down, they are hospitalized, and they are readily forgiven the lack of communication. I had plans with someone Sunday morning. Pretty important plans, and still have yet to have heard from this person. I love this person very much and we go WAY back! So, now I am worried, did something happen? This can all be alleviated by a text or phone call which could easily take 13 seconds or less...
In this day and age of mass involvement with social media, digital devices and instant messengers, please don't forget to be old school and communicate effectively. I have lots of important things to do with my time. If I care enough about you to not make other plans, please care enough about me to reach out when said plans must fall through. Is that really too much to ask?
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