Sunday, February 12, 2012

Among the Stars

First, I have to say I am sorry for Whitney Houston's family, loved ones, friends and fans. Her voice carried us through many of life's beautiful endeavours and I am saddened by her tragic end. May we all remember, we never know when it is our time. We all suffer vices, addictions, fears, & afflictions. May we rise above & become the stars we are.

And made of stars we are. Our physical must learn to carry our divinity far. "Cars pass by on Dawn's Highway Bleeding." (Jim Morrison). I am the ghost of yesterday past when I do not allow yesterday to remain in the past. Of course all we have accomplished and every limitation we have faced is a part of our positive tomorrow. Yet, there are many choices we can make that will allow us the freedom to build a brighter tomorrow, sooner rather than later.

Right now, in my personal life, I am being tried by the Universe with cosmic fire. I am building the necessary breaths to become the right words at the right time to the right people. I am a constant walking work in progress. Evolution of soul. That is my purpose. My inspiration. My perpetuation. I hunger and thirst for righteous knowledge.

The thing about myself I am most seeking to augment is my natural tendency for worry, anxiety, nervous circular patterns in my mind. I am a perpetually positive person, yet, I seem to fret my way through the beginning stages of any unfortunate event. All the while, my spirit overstands that what is happening is for a reason yet the season still causes me fear. Fear and love, being our two base emotions, this become more readily understandable when digesting my human mind. However, I desire to rise above. Nirvana awaits in every breath. Who knows what moment will be our last of this present incarnation.

My truck, (a.k.a. Lady Blue, a.k.a. Blue Beast, or simply Beast)  was repossessed by people that have much less claim on it than I do if we were to look at it outside of this broken system. I had almost rebuilt my credit to a high level. I had consolidated through a debt management company. Blah~blah~blah! I cried. I will be honest, it has not been easy. I have played by their rules. I am hard working. Passionate. Intelligent. I feel like I failed. I feel like I lost the match. I know that material things are nothing in the spiritual realm. Anyone who knows me well knows that I am not rapped up in them or hard to please. A Saturday walk in the park and a nap in the Sun on a blanket is worth more than a million dollars in my Universe. However, I lost my house, my dog, my grandparents, my man, my truck all in just over a year's time. Why? Now, that, my darlings is the question.

So, I began writing a song that I am very much looking forward to finishing. You can take everything, everything I own. But you can't take this music out of my soul. Come on, let them take it all away. I ain't gonna change. This point of view, well it ain't that new. We an ancient people with ancient truth. So, come on baby take it all away. I ain't gonna change.

Within this time of Cosmic Augmentation, I have also lost a few of the people who housed my Inner Sanctum. I ask myself, why? Well, the answer has come to me on multiple levels in multiple harmonic resonances. I am grateful for all Wu Wei is guiding me to. I am becoming stronger, and more ready for my Destiny. Painful, though it certainly is. I am utterly grateful.

I walk on lighter, more focused, and with renewed spiritual charge. They can take me down to my backpack and my Sneakers, and I will still walk across this globe, fresh music spilling over the top of my soul. They cannot control my Destiny, and it rests great with me. I may falter, fall or sometimes feel failure. But, I will never quit, I will never cease to exist. I am eternal filled with Divine Essence of holy unadulterated life. I am all that I was meant to be. And by the time this is done with me, I will be all that I need to be at exactly that moment in time.

Stars we are, and to the stars shall we return. Burn the brightest your soul can be, and all will open before you in due time. In due season. It is treason to doubt. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. May we all remember what it is to breathe. To truly believe. To leave the guesswork for the forces that guide our lives.

Thank you to all who have offered support. Thank you for the waves of love and healing that have come to me from all parts of the globe. I love you all.

Live. Love. Laugh.

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