Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Credo (in momentum)

I believe the Divine is energy rather than entity. I believe said energy flows freely within every living thing. I believe we each have a moment by moment choice to honor or dishonor that living stream. I believe as conscious beings, we have an obligation to honor Spirit. I believe we must love ourselves and one another in an unconditional manner that allows room for and also encourages our exponential potential.
I believe we all have dark and light within us. Our natures are not merely human, not merely divine. The tension existing due to this constant battle of our dual nature is what the journey is all about. Each of us come blessed with strengths and challenged by weaknesses. Some lie. Some cheat. Some steal. Some murder. Some manipulate. We must not view our flaws as lesser than another. We must strive to keep our flaws from negatively affecting our fellow travelers. We must make right those wrongs that inevitably occur.
I believe that unconditional love begins with self. Seeing ourselves through an accurate lens is inherent to loving ourselves unconditionally. We must see our strengths, our weaknesses, our past, our present and the goal of our future. We must accept ourselves as we are yet remain in forward momentum toward our highest selves. When we practice self-love at this level, we are then able to turn our love outward to our fellow travelers and see people as the divine echoes through their souls, spirits, and flesh. We will begin to see the potential in every living being. We will begin to focus on the light rather than the darkness in one another and move as One toward our exponential potential as a human race.
I believe we are a work in progress that must make mistakes as part of our growth. I believe we all must be viewed with compassion. I believe truth is a vibration open to poetic interpretation. I believe we are all interconnected and have much to learn from one another. I believe segregating humanity by ethnicity, religion, sexuality, education, culture or by any other factor not only limits us as a race but also damages us as spiritual beings. I believe there is truth and fallacy in every philosophy and our future would be better served to truly sit together and learn from one another.
I believe life is a journey meant to be lived with full regard to all we see, touch, taste, feel and hear. I believe we should all endeavor to become better versions of ourselves each and every second of each and every day. I believe we are here together with purpose and should live our lives like we truly believe it. I believe life is a gift, replete with sorrow and joy, obstacles and victory, moments of weakness and moments of strength. I believe life should be lived to the fullest. Time is a scientific structure of mankind, however, our moments upon this earth are not meant to be wasted. I believe in our exponential potential.