Thursday, December 19, 2013

Nature 10/15/13

From the Wordsmith Project

I walk along the sands of time
Rummaging through old photos
Me & trees
Me & the ocean
Sorrow grips my heart
I begin to slip and fall apart
Honor seeps through my pores
As I fall to the forest floor
Doors open windows to my soul
Spoiling the moment
A spider steps into my view
Chewing over old thoughts
Like spoiled meat
I decide to let go
And let the Universe take control
I smile as a single shaft of sunlight
Strays through momentous green leaves
Shadows block the sun
But in the moment I am
Done with my sadness
A flutter of wings
This red headed woodpecker sings
A promise of better things to come

Thursday, December 5, 2013


You put up a bed in my mediastinum
Told me in your best voice
How your love would be platinum
I sat down on the mattress
Expecting your best
Understanding your humanity
Would also include "the rest"
But the element I did not expect
Was you behind bars
For countless years
Tears for days
And fears only serve to
I replay the words of that night
Frightened sometimes to turn on
The light
Truth remains
I love you in ways
I never imagined possible


In response to her words...

I refuse to feel responsible
For your inability
to effectively articulate
Your emotional state
Anticipate the words
So far unheard
Instead reading the vibration
Of your skin

I refuse to accept neglect
The rejection
As you shove me off you
one more time
Allowing the rhyme
In the surface of your soul
To take control over me

I refuse to allow
Our silent magnetism
To continue to be
Our entire story
The glory of the conquest
Rests in the clean laundry
That is always waiting
On your chase lounge

I could hunt you down
But I would find your scent
lingering in the air
No longer there
So instead I'll be over here
Waiting for your call


In response to her words...

"It is not that I wait for you, its that my arms are doors I cannot close." Derrick Brown.

I shake like ash through your open fingers
Singing strains
Melodic compositions
Whistling to myself
Inside the hum of the vaccuum cleaner
It sucks me in
Alters my demeanour
It is harder to connect with people
These days
It is not my fault
I was born with such a high IQ
You seemed to notice
I was different
The first time you looked into my eyes
My thighs are also a place
I love to hate
Collection of fat cells
No one who eats this much broccolli
Would ever anticipate
The space on my chest
Is like a landing strip for pain
Dumping hatred on me
Seems easier for some
Than embracing the Sun
We all have light within


In response to her...

I wish I could make her believe
Her thighs are beautiful
I want her to see
The power of her words
Does not erase the straight lines
Emblazoned across her thighs
But it certainly
Enables one to see
She has a story that redeems
A brain that truly gleams
And magnetizes me
Straight lines find more space for a story
Makes me want to know
Your pain and your glory
And I know life with you
Would never be boring
Wake up from the snoring
Of the ordinary
Coffee is served
And you are the truth

"Death By Society"

In response to her words...

It seems strange to me
That society has a proprietary need
To organize people into shapes and things
Wrap them with bows
And tie them with strings
Tell them how to be
And discard what is not
Pretty enough or
Thin enough
Sexual enough or
Witty enough
But it's rough
Trying to maintain a poker face
With elegant and matchless grace
And not turn into a chaotic mess
But no matter what
The Doctor will say
We have a pill for this
Bliss is not something we can swallow
And I'm not saying one should
Wallow in their misery
But at what point will we allow ourselves to feel and articulate
Every emotion that we breathe?


In response to her words...

I wonder if my lover realizes
how beautiful she is
That no amount of gauze wrapped wrists
Can take away the presence of intelligence
No amount of pain can erase
The sparks that radiate from her eyes
Every time I say hello
I wonder if my lover knows
Just how beautiful she truly is


In response to her words...

Ice sculpture frozen in the distance...
offers no resistance
To the constant stream of my persistance
Every line in his feature
Eagle beak screaming
He feels I am demeaning him
Every time I observe
A trait in his demeanour
Screaming sounds
This bird of prey
I am a raptor
And he is a safe place to land
He does not understand
The command of my presence
or the resonance
Of my feathers in the wind
His skin is cold

Styrofoam: the lightest Weapon of mass destruction



            You wake up in the morning and stretch. Next you fill your lungs with a deep breath of benzene, your favorite carcinogen. You choose to engage a headache and actively decide to suffer gastro-intestinal pain. You honor the use of a resource that cannot be renewed and all that you do increases the waste on the face of this planet. The ozone is affected drastically and the negative impact of your casual decision is hundreds of years in the creation. This is the weight of every Styrofoam cup you use, every Styrofoam take away container you choose to take from your favorite restaurant and every Styrofoam plate casually discarded after its use on family pizza night.

Transition: So many people do not realize the detriment of Styrofoam upon our ecosystem.

I.                   Styrofoam is very dangerous for our environment.

A.    It affects our ozone, our health, and our marine waterways with a large negative impact.

B.     One of its main components Benzene is a registered carcinogen.

Transition: There are solutions to the problems that Styrofoam creates.

II.                There are two major areas of focus that would help us eliminate the environmental burden Styrofoam creates.

A.    We should choose to no longer use Styrofoam products.

B.     A Styrofoam eating bacterium was discovered to help remove the Styrofoam that exists already.

Transition: We are responsible to take care of this issue.


            I have offered you the reasons why Styrofoam is dangerous. I have shown you that there are other solutions that are actually inexpensive and feasible in today’s economy. I have introduced you to the realization that a bacterium exists to remove it from our planet. One person can make a difference. Through my actions I was able to get the Provost of our Clearwater Campus to agree not to allow the CafĂ© to carry Styrofoam products any longer. Imagine if we could get MacDonald’s, Burger King, and some of the larger chains to get on board. We could encircle the Earth a whopping four hundred and thirty six times a year with Styrofoam coffee cups alone. Imagine what that means if all other Styrofoam products were included in that data? We are killing our planet! We have a responsibility to change the world around us. I must insist you take action. Cease using Styrofoam today!