It is hard for me to imagine myself anywhere other than right here. Right now. In this moment. I am grateful. See, life is not always easy for any of us. Life is however filled with so much astounding joy, bliss filled moments, and surprising adventures. I have a wellspring of creative thought, and I am honored by the energy of the universe as I am given these lessons even though sometimes they are not pleasant in the learning of.
Whether we say vice, or demon, fault or character flaw, we all have something about us that we do not like. Hect, I've got a few things I actively seek to evolve out of. Every day I aspire to be a little bit better version of myself. But, we all bear witness to the struggle. The struggle of tempering our physical with fire so that we may burn brighter, stand taller, walk stronger. Some of us are more stubborn than others. I am to be counted among them.
Every day I remind myself through meditation, prayer, fasting, action, creation, knowledge, healing, and listening that I am an imperfect human being housing Divine Light. I must let my light shine, and the only way to do that is to be honest. Look into my own eyes. See the things that are lurking in the shadows, and focus the Winds of Isis upon them until they dissapate and flee. I am happy to be me, and know that I will only continue to get better.
In December, I packed my truck, moved back to the place where I was raised away from the City I consider home. I have been living by myself since New Year's Eve. I chose to spend the evening alone to ring in the new year with only myself as company. I want to be the best version of myself that is possible.
I am currently walking through a struggle brought on by my own error that is changing the way I think about almost everything. I am more mature perhaps, and more devoted to my victory in this battle against my Sethian nature.
When the resolution has been reached I will share the full story. For now, I will continue to "lean on HIS everlasting arms" knowing full well that I am on my destined path, and that I will only continue to resonate higher, burn brighter and speak pure Ma'at with all of the breath this being has to offer.
I am committed to my own well being. I am committed to spiritual evolution. I will do all I can to make my mark, to lead us to freedom, to shine my light so anyone who is not already shining theirs can stand up and be counted. This is an imperative hour. We are all necessary pieces to this great puzzle we call Life. I am ready. I will do more than survive. I will give my best at all times. I will be all that I am capable of.
And this, I promise to myself. I am ready for all of this, and so much more.
Hetepu em Mer.
Lady RA~in
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