Wednesday, April 24, 2013


We seem to be living in a spiritual Tower of Babel. I feel like we are speaking the same technical language yet are failing to actually communicate. It is sad to see how loose our command of language has become as an overall culture. Of course, those of you that are reading this are walking through this with me.

I was raised by my parents with fluid use of concepts like honesty, integrity, honor. I am overwhelmed by the "Reality Television" version of todays American workplace. One sentence can be turned into a death sentence should it happen to fall on the wrong set of ears. Whole stories are concoted out of one simple misunderstood phrase.

People are not working as hard. I understand that there is a lot of undercurrents and sublayers to this whole world of a problem but, the America workplace does not promise job security for hard work any longer. Benefits are becoming something of the past, and "we the people" are not finding trades as much as we are finding jobs. It is devestating our output, our quality experience.

We are here to enjoy luminous rays of sunlight on a leaf. We are here to watch lizards run rampant across a patio in order to return to a place of safety. We are here to listen to one another, to speak our minds, to breathe in deep the scent of this glorious existence. Yet, something has happened to us.

I walk by so many with no spark in their eye. No joy in their smile. We were not intended to wear one canned emotion on our face for when we make eye contact. We were created, born into a physical being resplendent with a whole gammet of worthy emotions to have access to. When life is truly experienced, every morsel becomes meaningful and joy can be ours.

I am far from having every answer. I certainly have a whole pile of fresh questions. I simply wish to see our culture do a 180. I want to see us remember why we are here.

I am grateful for all of you in my life who have not forgotten. Challenges present themselves daily, and I have seen many challenges in the last four and a half months. There are many of us driven enough, committed to our own excellence enough to not allow any obstacle to become a set-back.

I am not sure what the next few hours will hold for me. I do know there is a great force in motion, and I am willingly a vessel for the greatest good. I learn much daily. I will only continue to rise and shine, pressing forward, this existential best of me.

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