I would like to take a moment to update everyone on how this semester has been. First I would like to say thank you to all of the amazing people I have in my life who have offered love and continuous support in this incredible journey I lead. I am honored by your presences and find myself to be the richest girl in the world!
I would like to take a moment also to thank my Father and Paul Shapiro for taking time to show me how to take care of things that women were never taught once upon a time. I have fixed my toilet twice this week (and with a paperclip I might add!). This New Year will celebrate three years I have lived completely on my own. It has been an amazing three years filled with so many stories. What would my life be without the continuous cycle of obstacles and blessings?
I chose to take four classes this semester and was told I must take an honors class in order to be an honors student. This was something I wanted very much and since I had already enrolled in four classes I opted to take the fifth required honors course. I also became involved in a lab which I am enjoying immensely and along with a few valued cohorts of mine, am starting a campus organization. I am still working a full time job and somehow have managed to complete the writing process for my upcoming third album, "In Quiescence". I have many stories to tell and often joke I could write several books per day. I am enthralled with my life.
It has amazed me each and every semester how I choose classes randomly and somehow they puzzle piece themselves together serendipitously. I am thankful that within these three years I have become much stronger and more independent, more aware and well rounded. Waiting tables continues to help me effectively work out the parts of my personality that are out of spiritual balance. I love the harmony of the universe around us and the plethora of knowledge always at our fingertips when we are paying attention.
I have learned much from maintaining my fish tank, from rescuing Cleopatra and finding her a home, from working with a wonderful group of ladies in attempt to shut down Attica and get Agape out of there. I have learned how to better connect with various types of people and have become quite funny in the process.
I have enjoyed this time I have been able to spend with my family. My mother even got her first tattoo the other day. I finally have my wings and I am not afraid to fly. Watch out world, cuz here I come.
I remember when Amen and I were working on the second release to After the Rain. One of the bonus tracks was a song I had just written. I was sitting down playing keys and a little nervous in his studio. He told me what a beautiful voice I had but reminded me I must sing from my belly. Today, I was practicing for Album Three and was amazed to realize how far my voice had traveled with me! I said to the air around me, "Amen, I am singing from my belly. Can you hear me?"
I am thirty six years young and have so much life run through my veins. As the Native Americans say, "It is a good day to die". However, I am utterly grateful I am still breathing.
I just wanted to stop and say thank you to all of you, my mother and father especially. My sisters and my nieces and nephews. My inner circle. My friends. My co-workers. My Professors. My classmates. My comrades in the struggle. The intrinsic beauty of Nature. The Divine Life Source. I am honored to be alive.
I know I have not been as available this semester. Many of you reach out to me daily just the same. Never stop reaching. I love you all!
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