Thursday, September 26, 2013

We shall see

Life is precious. Enjoy the morsel of the moment. There is an algorithm ever present along our destined path. Have faith in your strength. Believe in the power of your story.
Remember the proverb of the Chinese farmer. His son found a wild and beautiful stallion and captured it and brought it home. The people of the village said, Congratulations, we hear your son has found a beautiful wild stallion. The old farmer merely replied, "We shall see". The villagers confused walked away. A few days later the son was breaking this stallion in and broke his leg in the middle of doing so. The villagers came by and offered their condolences. The old farmer said, "We shall see". Puzzled, they walked away from this strange old man. Two weeks later as the son was laid up in a cast and trying to hobble along through his day soldiers came to fulfill a draft. The son was of age, but due to his broken leg, he was not drafted. The people of the village were overwhelmed with joy, and came by to congratulate the old farmer. As usual, he replied, "We shall see". Several months into the long, cold war, the man's house burned down and the son, still healing was trapped in the fire and died. The people of the village were overwhelmed with sorrow realizing that if the son had been at war, he would not have been trapped in the fire. The old man surprised them with his level answer. We shall see.
I am sure you have heard this before. The point is that you never know what the obstacles or sorrows of life are designed to perform. Have faith. Enjoy the morsel of the moment. Choose to be happy no matter what the current circumstance. If you get wrapped up in the past or the future, you are jeopardizing the fullness of the moment.

Live each moment to its fullest potential.

And imagine what "We Shall See!"

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