Wednesday, April 9, 2014


In this individualistic Western Culture, it is often too easy to focus on oneself in an expensive spiritual fashion. I have been accused of being arrogant more than once. I met with a close soul to mine to ask for guidance, words of wisdom, some type of spiritual message his soul may have for mine. With gentle words and a cautious and reverant spirit, he offered me a blessing. He said to be a part of the bigger picture without a false sense of humility. He cautioned me not to downplay my significance but reminded me we are a much bigger force than individual. I needed his words and am grateful for his presence in my life.

After our luncheon, I met with the Director/Editor of Panyha Foundation which is a remarkable organization for Lao-Americans and with a focus on raising education and cultural awareness with a global people in mind. I will be writing for them, along with interviewing refugees and second generation Lao-Americans, while also editing and adding a poetic twist to articles already written. I am excited to be on board and feel that this will only add to the strength of my soul.

My mission is strong and I knew I was ready for the next step of the game. I am humbled by both meetings this afternoon. I have much yet to learn. It was intoxicating to me spiritually that the second encounter echoed largely the first and that the spiritual ramifications surrounding me offered deep messages that I am still interpreting. While sitting in the Panyha Conference Room, I noticed a printed statement regarding leadership on the wall: Leadership is action not position. May I become the best of myself and march with a tide of people strong with the vision that we are here to create a better tomorrow.

Three cheers to the people in my life who have led me this far. Three cheers the next chapter of this spirit filled path! Thank you all.

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