Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Overflowing Joy

Today, at work I was walking by a young man I work with and noticed him rubbing his knee. With genuine concern I asked him what was hurting. He told me he had been in a coma after a terrible car accident for two months. This same car accident claimed the life of his best friend. Since then, he has had a pinched nerve that often results in terrible pain in his knee and leg.

Since I have worked there I have always noticed the joy in him. He is always cordial, smiling, singing and spitting another set of his favorite lyrics. I was amazed in his presence today as he told me the story of how the doctors had encouraged the family to "pull the plug" ending his life support. With tears in my eyes, I said, "I'm so glad they didn't!" He high fived me and I thanked him for sharing his story with me. I'm so glad I asked about his knee.

Later, I heard him quoting a Bible verse. I had chills as I heard, Colossians 1:19 (ESV) "For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell..." I asked him to please write it on a card for me and I slipped it into my server book. I was filled with joy as I walked in this morning. This bounce in my step was only lifted even farther by this spiritual exchange.

Life is not easy. It is filled with loss, and danger, and terrifying experiences. It is filled with hard decisions and moments of feeling completely lost. At the same time, people like my co-worker remind me that it is also filled with miracles, second chances and thousands of beautiful stories that save us from giving up.

I once heard a Rabbi say that sometimes God needs our help. This verse says we can be a space where God is happy to dwell. I live my life considering my every step, my every decision, my every breath and endeavor to be a space where the Divine is "pleased to dwell"...

I thank you all for your constant love and support.

~RAin (divinity within me)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A vessel for change.
    For god is never stagnant,always pressing breathing pulsing. Vessel was my word for the day, and then I read this.
    Walworth as usual.
