Monday, February 25, 2013


In the space after morphine and hospitals, I walk weary and wary of all shadows that undulate within my view. In the space of a couple months, I have been in jail, and in the hospital. Hopefully the last time for both. Many of us truly give our all; do the best we can. Who among us could honestly say that we have no room for growth? No one I know! I, for sure, have much to learn daily and a long way to travel until I could begin to believe that I had reached spiritual fruition. I believe in the power of the Earth to heal us. I believe if we honor her and live close to the whole life she offers, we will suffer less than those who do not uphold such practices of health and wellness. I learned a lot in my hospitalization. I have many thoughts and experiences to share but for now, I shall rest. I would like to set wheels of thought into motion in all of our minds and spirits. What else should we be doing in order to vibrate as our best self? What foods, what habits, what practices, what thoughts, what beliefs? I celebrate the day of my entrance to this Earth tomorrow! I will celebrate, and the morning after many things will change. We must respect our bodies as temples. We must respect our bio-rhythms. Those of us who are sensitive have even more of a responsibility to uphold our truth; to inspire others to do the same. Please, commit to honor your temple. Commit to better yourself daily. Commit to live up to your potential and not excuse away things that everyone else is doing. Life is not guaranteed. Longevity is imperative if we are to gain and offer all we need in this lifetime. I love you all and thank you for your support while I lay in that hospital bed. There were many well wishes, phone calls, flowers, visits, etc. I could not be the woman I am without each and every one of YOU!

Lady Rain.

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