Wednesday, January 11, 2012


It is a natural predilection for me to learn. I thirst for knowledge. I am constantly curious. So, letting go of the overwhelming emotional and spiritual pain of the last few days, I would like to share with you all my amazing experience of returning to school.

I am taking three classes.

My first class is General Psychology. My teacher is energetic, intriguing, and seems like she is going to be a supportive, informative and interesting teacher. Our big semester assignment is a choice I will have to make. The first option is to perform eight hours of community service of our choosing and write about the experience from a first year psych perspective. It will be in two major parts. The first part earlier in the semester will be our initial judgments and responses, and the second part later in the semester will incorporate all we have learned. Our second option is to choose an icon that is well documented again of our choosing. The first person who came to mind for me was Jim Morrison. Again in two parts, we would break down our initial feelings and then later in the semester incorporate all we have learned. I am leaning toward community service and have two ideas: Rape Crisis Center or a Rehabilitation Center.

My second class is Applied Mathematics for Liberal Arts. It will incorporate a lot of writing. My first paper which I have already completed was on my emotions and background in mathematics and what Plagiarism is and what it means to me. In this class we will be investigating stock market trading, car loans, household budgets and daily uses of general math. It is odd but surprising. I expounded on the mathematical nature of the universe, nature and the function of numerology spiritually in my personal life. We shall see what the Professor (Maria Pickle) finds in my writing.

My third class is Humanities: the East West Diversion. I am extremely excited about this class especially as we will be breaking down multiple religions and cultures including Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, and much more. Our first quiz was a personality test that defined us into categories and determined what type of lesson plan we would have individually. I was labelled a prophet. I had two Law Giver qualities and three Prophet qualities so I was actually allowed to choose between either label. Mathematically I felt it logical to choose Prophet. And well, Spiritually it seemed to follow through. So Prophet I am. I will be responsible to write four papers on four different sacred words. I will write one paper on a monomyth and one paper on a mythical place. This will be a large chunk of our grade. Determined by the personality quiz we each have an individualized lesson plan all weighted the same but with different areas of focus. Intriguing.

I am very excited about this development in my life. Returning to school has been a dream for a great many years. I have already jumped leaps and bounds from one day! Areas of my mind that have long been dormant seem invigorated and ready for more.

Thank you all for your continued support.

Game On!

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