So, last night I was tossing & turning in my hot new apartment. I was having trouble sleeping so I took some NyQuil (thanks to Miss Hopkins).
Well, I generally try NOT to take medications. NyQuil is known for leaving your groggy and out of it the whole next day. So, eleven rolled around and I was still trying very hard to get out of my new -to me- bed (thanks to my sister Cassi's networking ability).
Just after eleven, my father calls. I was SO grateful for the call. This was "I am getting a job" day! He said he had some things for my new place he thought I could use and would it be all right if he came by now...I was incredibly grateful for the call, and jumped out of bed, into the shower and into some fresh clothes.
I have earnestly been attempting to stay positive, but I have honestly been struggling. The original plan included me coming down here to a job waiting for me. The back-up plan included me trying my hand as a door to door saleswoman. Neither plan came true for me! I have been operating on a forever dwindling fund. My family has been awesome and has helped as much as possible, but these are hard times for all of us.
So, I took a leap of faith, sans job I moved into the apartment I had secured for myself. This is a weird spot in the year to be seeking gainful employment.
After my father stopped by and gave me a dining room table with two chairs, some pots, and some groceries, I decided, makeup, dressy clothes and hit the road. I am GOING TO GET A JOB TODAY!
Due to the way New Year Day fell this year, most establishments were closed today. So, I decided it was apply at every restaurant I can stop at this afternoon. After four or five places I was getting discouraged. Most were telling me that no one was hiring right now. But, my Spirit was having none of it! I stopped at an Outback surprised to find it closed, I surveyed the parking lot surrounding it to see what else might be open.
Fletcher Organ Center. Piano is to Organ as well, I had to go. Of course! So, I went in, told them what I was capable of and asked it they possibly needed any help.
One of the lovely ladies that worked there said there was an opening at the Largo Community Center which she had been asked, but would be unable to fill. The position is to teach young children the basics of music. Rhythm. Counting. Tones. Considering my pursued degree is Music Therapy, I would be so happy to...Tomorrow I will speak with the director because the Largo Community Center was of course closed today.
Furthermore, I really had to use the bathroom and stopped to put a twenty in my tank at a Shell along Indian Rocks Beach. They had no restroom I could use. I walked next door to an Oyster Bar. Mostly because they had the Blues Brothers in gorgeous statue out front. I LOVED my job at House of Blues & took it as a sign.
They were not hiring. They let me use their restroom. One of the staff recommended I go to Crabby Bill's, the owners of which were opening a new restaurant. I went. Thankful.
Asked for the owner. Not what you would usually do, but something told me to!
Talked to him. He said he had just filled his staff and I had missed him by about two days. GRRRRRRR! So, I said to him. We both know that this industry is one of high turnover. Why don't you give me an application, and when the first person quits in a few days after opening, you give me a call and I will jump right in there.
By the time I had filled out the app, his Spirit had led him to hire me. ~~gratitudes~~
So, I now have much falling into place for me. And for those of you who knew how badly I was freaking out...insert lecture here ~~ ~~~ I deserve it! But, hey, I never claimed to be anything other than a work in progress.
I now have a job in the evenings as a waitress at a fine dining seafood joint right on the water. OHHH! I can fill my obligation to watch my niece Rilee for my sister Cassi M,W,F during the day while she is working. I go to school Tuesday and Thursday, and hopefully teach young minds about music once a week until that field blows up for me and I can stop waiting tables (again)....
Was able to get online today too and saw on my college website that I was approved for some financial help or whatnot! Looks like I am going to school. YAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!
More updates tomorrow. Looking forward to this strange and beautiful phase of my life as it unfolds. Thank you all for your continued support.
I applied for food stamps and cash assistance this evening so hopefully I will have some benefits to carry me until the first money manages to find my pocket.
~Divine Light~Infinite Bliss~This is OUR year~
nice job Rain! What a go-getter! congrats!