Sunday, June 17, 2012

To all those spinning gently outside orbit, stand tall & remember why we were born. We are the ones we have been waiting for.

Society proscribes for us to live our lives in set black and white standards. Categories and sub-standards. This house. That car. The right job. Good kids. The best neighborhood. The common religion. The defined college. Some of us do not fit inside this black and white box. Some of us don't make sense to the rest of them. This post if for you. With you. Because of us.

I have been traversing through one of the largest transitions of my life. Remembering why I am alive. Living for myself and trying to earnestly breathe in the moment. I have been lonely. I have been in one long relationship after another for the predominant amount of my life. I am a survivor, and have seen many things that have shook me and kept me outside of the proscribed life. My soul loves the fire and the spice of difference.

I tend to draw people to me in a magnanimous fashion. I love good people. I love different people. I love people with the passion to learn. The desire to create. The fire to stand up for what they believe in.

I do not proscribe to one point of view. I recognize truth as a vibration that we all may commuicate using different languages, from different viewpoints with varied foundations to represent all that we are. All that we are to become. The honest intention for righteousness is what matters most to me. The blessing that comes to those that seek truth. Our lives are not easy. But they are enchanted. They are beautiful. They are blessed.

Please find the strength within yourself, from the Divinity you believe in, draw power from the Universe around you, and never give up. We are the ones we have been waiting for.

Speak with your words, in your cadence. Use your rhythm. Follow suit with your rhyme. For timing is often everything, and it is a synchronous plane we exist within. Honor your Spirit. Be dedicated with steadfastness to all that you are. You are a beautiful and complicated soul. You are ever spinning outside of orbit from those that say they are "normal". You are different, and defined in no certain terms.

I love you all for all that you are and you continue to inspire me with your honest beauty. Your sacred truth.

Lady RAin.


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