Wednesday, December 7, 2011


If several different people witnessed an event, there would inevitably be several different accounts of what happened. How is it then we do not see the truth as a prismatic vibration of light with many layers? Many colors? Many different tones of sound? We are a beautiful rainbow people who have unfortunately created an active Tower of Babel. Much slaughter has been perpetuated in the name of religion. Have you ever met someone who truly believed what they proclaimed? They carried themselves with a deep peace as soft light emanated from their aura sparking curiosity regarding the nature of their being. What if truth actively sought by all was earnestly and openly considered by all- together? Granted, most of us engage our beliefs passionately. I just hope we will all find the strength to allow eachother to hold sacred our own spiritual persuasions without infringing on the spiritual rights of our fellow travellers. The time is here for Spiritual Evolution of human-kind.

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