Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Time to Rise

As a woman who claims no traditional religion, people often ask what my beliefs are. It is hard to define; I usually begin with a joke relating my foundational belief in "GOD" to the Force in Star Wars. I believe "GOD" is an energy, an essence, an eternal present life force. I believe that at the soul level, we are ONE. I believe that ONE is GOD. I believe in reincarnation. I believe many of us have attained a fluid connection to our inner Divinity. As we learn to live in the moment & pace our lives by the flow of Wu Wei, we see the harmony inherent in the flow of the Universe. Wu Wei is a Taoist concept of flowing like water through our natural lives, navigating softly around and passed obstacles. I believe as we advance through Karmic breath and reduce stress, we allow our inner divinity to radiate. It is from this peace-filled state that our destined path opens up before US, propelling us forward in true Wu Wei flow.

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